The Legacy
God has placed a calling in our hearts to be the hands and feet of Jesus to many young people. Each year we see a wide variety of youth coming from every walk of life attending our summer camps. In a culture where children are often viewed as an inconvenience, we believe in showing kids that they are special and loved. Our ultimate goal is to provide an environment where people can encounter God and experience the life-changing affection of His loving embrace.
At Salem Acres, we have been blessed with a beautiful natural setting that allows us to step away from our daily distractions and anxieties. It’s an opportunity to connect not only with God but also peers who are experiencing the same joys and struggles; and spiritual mentors who are eager to engage with them and invest in lives.
We see the need to continue pouring into young people every chance we get. They are entering a time in their lives where they are questioning the legitimacy of everything—which is a good habit—but the voice of God is often not taken into consideration. We believe we have a special environment that provides a place for people to be still and know God—to learn to listen for Him and receive encouragement.
If our ministry touches your heart and you feel led to be part of the awe inspiring work of building into the next generation for Christ, please donate to us today!
Please enable us to Continue The Legacy and join us in influencing young lives for Christ.

How You Can Continue The Legacy
Monthly Support: Allow ministry and proper maintenance of our buildings to continue year-round.
Year-End Need: Help us get out of the red by the end of the year.
Camper Sponsorship: Help a kid go to camp. Provide a registration subsidy for a camper who wouldn't be able to go otherwise.
General Fund: Help us to maintain and improve the facilities and programs.
Items: Camp is always looking to add or replace things onsite. Contact us to see what we need or see our list here.
Securities and Mutual Funds: donate securities and mutual funds to Salem Acres here.

Needed Items
Over the years camp has acquired and fixed numerous items to be used in our programs, retreats, and community outreach events. Archery, Paintball and Axe/Knife Throwing are the existing activities but we are hoping to include BB guns, slingshots, and Spear Throwing into this list as well. Our equipment is reaching its threshold on fixability so alongside these additions to our list of activities we are seeking to update or replace our existing equipment. These updates and replacements will ensure these activities continue to be safe, accessible for large groups, and manageable for the on-site staff to service and maintain. Below is a list of items we are hoping to acquire to improve our outdoor activities.
Objectives: Archery/Axe Knife Throwing
Archery Net: This larger item would help ensure that we do not lose or break arrows in our new archery field acting as a back catch.10ft by 40ft netting: 1500$
New Bowstrings: Replacement bowstrings for our existing composite bows as they are reaching the end of their effective lifespan. Cost: 100$
New Archery Targets: Three larger targets would be an asset to our new archery field bringing the activity more in line with professional archery ranges. Three Targets: 150$
New Throwing Axes: Our axes are no longer serviceable and have been decommissioned as the handles have bent or sheared from prolonged use. Six Axes: 350$
Sealed Cabinets: For our various range equipment new cabinetry would be welcome to ensure that only authorised personnel can access the equipment. This also protects the equipment from wear and tear. New Cabinets: 600$
New longbows: To add a variance purchasing a few longbows adds a different experience to archery as longbows require a different technique to fire efficiently then composites.Three Longbows: 750$
Slingshots: We have two lanes so a minimum of two slingshots would be needed. Having extras would be welcome as both the BB Gun field and Archery field could also run slingshots. Eight slingshots would leave us with spares and room to run larger sessions. Eight slingshots: 100$
Price Total: 3550$
Objectives: BB Gun/ Paintball Guns
Paintball Guns: This is one of our primary activities for both Summer Camp weeks and Retreats. Presently our equipment is dated and requires frequent maintenance, new guns, air canisters, and an air compressor would be welcome updates. This activity brings Salem Acres a fair bit of revenue due to its popularity and would pay for itself in a reasonable amount of time. We would need at least ten guns to run 5v5 but having extras is welcome in the case they get dirty during a match and need to be cleaned. Sixteen Guns would allow us to run summer camp matches that were cabin versus cabin.
Price Total: 20 Guns, 10 more Tanks (already have 11 new ones), and and Air Compressor. 5000$
BB Guns: We have recently expanded our fields including a range that is suitable for BB Gun target shooting. Would add to the list of activity options we can provide summer camps and retreats. Price: 3 Rifles/ 3 Pistols: 750$