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AGM Materials & Schedule

Thank you for being a people who love the Lord, and value Christ in your lives. Many of us came to Christ or began to grow in Christ while we were children and young adults, through a camp ministry such as Salem Acres.

As the board, leaders, and workers of Salem Acres Bible Camp - a camp being used to impact our world - we invite you to come and join us. We are just ordinary people, who believe God is in control in the chaos of our world.

Please prayerfully consider - where will you fit in this year!


Help Wanted - Building the Kingdom of God

Are you interested in joining a committee? Anthony will love to talk with you about what this could look like.

Camp # 403-773-2226

  • Camp Programs

  • Fundraising and Events

  • Member Care

  • Technical support

Peter will appreciate talking with you about being a part of the Board of Directors. Ask Peter any questions that you have about being a Board member.

Cell # 403-690-5251

... Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” ... Matthew 9: 25-38


Schedule for The AGM

12:00 PM - Lunch; all are invited. Please let know how many will be coming with you.

1:30 to 2:30 PM - AGM

2:30 to 4:00 PM - Social time; coffee, snacks, and a tour of the bathroom renovation and other projects.



2022 Financial Report:

2023 AGM Agenda:

2022 AGM Minutes:

*2022 Auditor's Note and Operations Report to be sent at a later time.*


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