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Get Paid to be at Camp

Hi everyone! Kirk from Salem Acres here!

Hope you all have been doing well. We are in our final stretch of preparing camp for the summer season and we are really looking forward to how God is going to work at Salem this year! We are still in search of key positions to be filled for this summer and yes, they are paid positions.

We are still looking for Full Time Male and Female Cabin Leaders and a Nurse.

We are looking for individuals who would like to come for small-time commitments and be given a small payment on behalf of Salem Acres. If you came for 2 weeks, we can offer $300. Come to work for 4 weeks and we can offer $600. If you decide to come work at camp for the full summer we can offer up to $1200.

For more information, you can email me at or check out our Join Our Team Page.


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